The Scholarship Committee’s annual PERENNIAL PLANT SALE will take place on Saturday, May 20, from 8 a.m. to noon in St. Ann’s parking lot. A variety of plants from church members’ gardens will be offered including coral bells, columbine, primrose, black-eyed susan, bleeding heart, lilies, yarrow, iris, forsythia, dwarf lilac, red spirea, and many more. Knowledgeable gardeners will be available if you need help in making your selections.
Please consider donating books that you have previously read or do not plan on reading and donate them to our Annual Book Sale. Proceeds help provide partial scholarship to Hartford students attending local Catholic High Schools. Please click for more information!
The Scholarship Committee's Annual Clothing Sale is going to take place on November 4th and 5th. Affordable pricing-Large selection of quality clothing for women, men, teens and children-Shoes for the entire family-Handbags, scarves, neckties, jewelry. Proceeds go towards scholarships for deserving Hartford students attending local Catholic High Schools. Click title for more information.
The 7th Annual St. Ann Art Show and Sale will take place in Fr. Bennett Hall on Saturday, May 21st from 2:30-5:30 p.m. and Sunday, May 22nd from 8:00 a.m.-1 p.m.
St. Ann's annual PERENNIAL PLANT SALE, brought to you by our Scholarship Committee will take place on Saturday, May 14th from 8am - 12noon on the grassy area of the St. Ann’s Parking Lot. The proceeds from the sale will benefit the St. Ann Scholarship Fund, which provides partial tuition support for deserving Hartford students who attend local Catholic high schools. Plant Donations are also needed. Please click the title for more information.
If you would like to donate your artwork or know someone who would, please contact Inez Faillace 860 653-5579 / or Meg Kundahl 860 521-1051 /