If you have any gently used clothing or accessories to donate, you can do so on Tuesday-Thursday, October 1-3, from 9:30am - 4pm (Tuesday until 7:30pm). Then shop the sale on Friday, October 4th from 5-7pm ($5 admission fee) and Saturday, October 5th from 9am- 2pm (no fee and most items are $3). All proceeds go towards partial tuition scholarships for deserving urban students who attend local Catholic High Schools.
Please click here to see the letter sent to Fr. Fontana thanking him and the parishioners of Saint Ann for the donations made towards their Pilgrimage to the West Coast.
The Archdiocese of Hartford will celebrate the Investiture of the Pallium to be bestowed upon Archbishop Christopher J. Coyne by the Apostolic Nuncio to the United States, Christophe Cardinal Pierre, on Monday, October 14, 2024, at 11am at the Cathedral of St. Joseph, Hartford. This will be a historic event and all invited. If you wish to attend, please register online by clicking here. No computer? Call the parish office at (860) 673-9858.