According to the Archdiocese face masks/coverings are required and there can only be 50 socially distanced persons at any given Mass. If you have some, please bring hand sanitizer for use during the liturgy. Click the title to be linked to the Archdiocese of Hartford's new guidelines in their entirety.
Parishioner Eileen DiMauro is a new devotee of praying the Rosary, and she wants to share her enthusiasm with you. She recently filmed a video about where the Rosary comes from, why she loves communing with God this way, and how praying the Rosary can enrich you. Click the title to be linked to the video
Dear Members of the MMP: I invite you to join me in a worldwide Cenacle on Wednesday May 13, the anniversary of the first apparition of Our Lady of Fatima. We will be praying together (in 5 languages) with members of the MMP from all over the world. The Cenacle will be broadcast at 10am Eastern time. Click title for the link or enter: KLojRWguEldQBPw-Q Let us meet together to pray, to thank our Heavenly Mother for the great gift of her presence with us and for the Triumph of her Immaculate Heart in the kingdom of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Fr. Luca Pescatori International Director of the Marian Movement of Priests