JOIN US: in Fr. Bennett Hall after 7:30am, 9:30am and 11am Masses to make sandwiches for the homeless. PLEASE BRING: 1 ½ lbs deli meat, ¾ lb sliced cheese, 1 large loaf of bread (white or wheat) RECIPIENTS WILL BE: ImmaCare Shelter, Mercy Shelter and St. Joseph Cathedral Food Pantry HELP MAKE DELIVERIES: Call/Email Ann DiStefano (contact info on bulletin cover) GREAT WAY TO LIVE OUR FAITH! KIDS AND FAMILIES WELCOME! (You can drop off food in kitchen refrigerator before Mass or if cold enough leave in car)
St. Ann 9th Annual Art Show and Sale Fr. Bennett Hall Saturday, February 9, 2019 11:00-5:30p.m. Sunday, February 10, 2019 8:00a.m.-12:30p.m. Adult fine artists and young artists— Affordable art to grace your walls!