Phone: 860-673-9858
Fax: 860-675-4350
Dr. Thomas Finn lives in Southington, CT, with his wife of 39 years, Donna. The Finns have 3 children and four grandchildren. Professionally, Dr. Finn has over 35 years of clinical experience and works as a licensed psychologist at the Franciscan Life Center in Meriden, CT, as well as in private practice in Southington. He also served as director of LEAP Adventure Programs, an experiential team-building and leadership training service for personal, organizational and spiritual development conducted through the Franciscan Life Center. Dr. Finn has led seminars in the U.S. focused on anxiety management, parenting, marriage, human sexuality and spirituality and teaches the Pastoral Counseling seminar at the Pontifical North American College in Rome, Italy.
Dr. Finn received Masters and Doctorate degrees in Clinical-School Psychology from Hoftsra University and a Bachelor of Arts degree in psychology from Fairfield University.
Dr. Finn has served with Donna as Coordinators in Programs for Human Sexuality with the Archdiocese of Hartford, CT, and they currently serve as Archdiocesan Coordinators for the Hartford Engaged Encounter marriage preparation program and the annual Archdiocesan Evening of Marriage Celebration. The Finns have co-authored three books on topics of human sexuality and relationships: Love and Relationships: God’s Plan for Human Sexuality; Intimate Bedfellows: Love, Sex and the Catholic Church; and Making True Love: A Guide for Lasting Relationships.
Currently, Dr. Finn is a parishioner of Mary Our Queen Church where he is a member of the Knights of Columbus.