Phone: 860-673-9858
Fax: 860-675-4350
Our Parish Engagement Process
In 2018, St. Ann’s initiated a Parish Engagement Process (PEP for short) to assess our parish’s vibrancy and identify areas of improvement. Throughout this process we focused on the following key areas:
Goals | Strategies |
To date, we have hired a communications director, established a welcome ministry and introduced various PEP-inspired activities via Youth and Adult Faith Formation. We are excited by the positive response from our faith community and look forward to keeping our momentum going.
Check back for regular PEP updates from our ministries and PEP task force. To get involved contact Chip Janiszewski at 860-673-4006 or
Volunteer Wish List
We are blessed to have an active parish and loyal parishioners who dedicate their time and talents to enriching the lives of our faith community. As our parish grows and evolves, we have an ongoing need for new volunteers to lead and participate in various ministry efforts. Below is a sample of just some of the areas we currently need assistance.
If you or someone you know is interested in any of these opportunities, please contact
Chip Janiszewski at 860-673-4006 or