Phone: 860-673-9858
Fax: 860-675-4350
Our Parish Council was formed in 1968 in response to the directives issued by Vatican II. Initially there were nine members, all appointed by Father John J. Bennett.
Currently the Council consists of appointed and elected adults and two youth representatives. Each adult serves for three years and each youth for a minimum of two years. The priests, deacons, and the Director of Religious Education are ex officio members. The purpose of the Council is to act as an advisory board to assist the pastor. It also encourages life of the parish community and acts as liaison between the clergy and the laity. It initiates and supports parish ministries as well other programs of social, civic, education and moral benefit. In addition the Council cooperates with other churches and civic organizations in serving the community at large. Our goals continue to focus on Involvement, Youth, Communication and Financial Resources within our parish community.
Carole Anderson |
Bill Bachhuber |
Nelson Bondhus |
Carla DuBois |
JoEllen Oakes |
Jane Ellen Peregrin |
Eileen Sibson |
Dianne Simpson |