Please join the family of Rev. Michael Donahue at a Memorial Service on Saturday, August 5th at 11:00 am. Fr. Donahue is a local priest who served in Bolivia for over 30 years. He passed away in Bolivia earlier this year on May 4th. His obituary will be featured in the Summer 2017 NEXUS which will be mailed this month. The NEXUS is also available right now on our website at: A reception will follow in Fr. Bennett Hall
CLICK TITLE TO BE TAKEN TO THE SURVEY. From the Archdiocese: "In preparation for the 2018 Synod on Young People, the Faith and Vocational Discernment, the Archdiocese of Hartford is requesting that all parishes and schools encourage their young people (ages 16-29) to fill out the Archdiocesan Survey for Young People at: . Many dioceses throughout the world are preparing for the 2018 Synod of Bishops and this survey will help Archbishop Blair develop his report on the youth of the Archdiocese of Hartford for that Synod. More importantly, this survey will be beneficial for the Archdiocese, as it strives to hear and respond to the voice of our youth and young adults, who will have the chance to express their thoughts and concerns about their faith and values. Please help us by sharing the link to the survey with all your young people."