Phone: 860-673-9858
Fax: 860-675-4350
To have all Catholics in our local community:
- growing in a loving, dynamic relationship with God the Father, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit, nurtured by prayer and ongoing faith formation
- experiencing the fullness of the Christian life by participating in Mass and the Sacraments; having meaningful relationships with fellow disciples; and sharing their time, talent & treasure with the parish and community
- living as missionary disciples of Jesus Christ, sharing with others the Good News of His salvation and the truth, beauty and goodness of His Church
Our Catholicism – the Church founded by Christ and possessing the fullness of faith
Our People – given to us by God, in need of pastoral care, and called to use their unique gifts of the Spirit for God’s glory and the benefit of the parish and community
Catholics who are disengaged from the church - members of our family without whom we are incomplete
All People - especially 1) the marginalized, whom we are called to serve; and 2) those of other faiths, with whom we celebrate our commonalities and learn from our differences
Prayer – seeking God’s will in all that we do
Vibrancy – a growing and dynamic parish, self-reflective and pursuing best practices
Excellence and Beauty – offering our best in liturgy and programs to glorify God and inspire people
Our Call – our baptismal anointing as priest, prophet and king, lived out by ministering to others, spreading the Good News and being servant leaders
Community – recognizing Christ as our head and we as his body, who function best in collaboration with each other