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Remember the Three Questions that form the foundation of Rediscover Jesus?
Who does Jesus say that he is?
Who do you say that Jesus is?
Who does Jesus say that YOU are?
On page 65 of Rediscover Jesus, Matthew Kelly addresses Question 3: “ The Gospels turn our social structure upside down by announcing that we are all children of God, and therefore, we are all sons and daughters of a great king. God wants us to embrace our identity as his sons and daughters, and then recognize that same identity in every person we encounter…I want my children to know that they are children of a great king, God. I made a poster to hang in (their rooms) that reads:”
Create a poster for your yourself, your child(ren), godchild(ren), nieces, nephews, etc. right here!
Simply download a poster below, print on cardstock, and place it in an 8.5 x 11” frame.
(Frames in sample photos were purchased at Michaels.)
It’s also a great gift for Baptism, First Communion, Confirmation, or Graduation, or for anyone who could use a reminder of their identity and value.