Phone: 860-673-9858
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Catholics have unique and beautiful traditions for honoring the great moments in life; from birth to death, new drivers' license to new home. See how to add meaning to your life, the Catholic way!
* Ask if you can pray for the person. If not in the moment, promise to pray for them later.
* Host a prayer service at church, or gather to pray the rosary together at home, at the hospital
* Contact Kris in the parish office, to be added to the prayer chain
* Ask for the intercession of the Saint who is the patron of the issue, e.g.:
St. Peregrin is the patron of cancer sufferers. Send a saint prayer card.
* Light a votive candle at church and send a photo of it with the message, “I said a prayer for you.”
* Have a Mass said for their “special intention” (keep it anonymous) (Call/visit the parish office)
* Give them a prayer shawl (St Ann Prayer Shawl Committee)
* Send a Care Note specific to their concern. (
* Collect a Spiritual Bouquet – on paper, or online, have friends contribute encouraging Bible verses, religious music, etc.
* Give an item that’s been blessed by clergy, like a pocket cross.