Phone: 860-673-9858
Fax: 860-675-4350
To be called to serve the true Presence of Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament is a true gift of the Holy Spirit. It is like all charisms, a gift of service the people of God. The primary requirement is this: You should have a great reverent love and devotion to Jesus present in the Holy Eucharist. We are available to assist Father at all Masses in distributing Holy Communion. In addition we also bring Holy Communion to the home bound and to the patients at local Healthcare facilities. On occasion we are privileged to be the person who brings a dying person Holy Viaticum (i.e. their last Communion). It is truly an extraordinary ministry and a great blessing to serve the Church in this manner. Want to know more? Contact: Sandy Bondhus at 860-678-1808