Phone: 860-673-9858
Fax: 860-675-4350
From time to time items will be posted here that the deacons think might be of interest to you. Deacon Tim likes to post his homilies in written and audio form for the hard of hearing, people for whom English is a second language, and those who simply want to mull over what they heard at mass (scroll down for these). You’ll also find links to inspiring YouTube videos and other web resources we’ve found helpful ourselves.
What is a Deacon, anyway?
Aside from being really large and old altar boys, deacons perform a variety of services in support of our Church’s mission to make real the Law of Love of God and neighbor in our world at this time. In a sense, deacons are “bridge people,” with one foot in the world of laypeople and another in the world of clergymen.
Deacons report to the archbishop and are assigned to parishes, working under the supervision of their pastors. You’ll find us in prisons (as chaplains, that is), hospitals, schools and a variety of other places where the need for ministry exists. Deacons are ordinary ministers of the Eucharist, baptism and Viaticum (your last communion on Earth), and can witness marriages. Many of us are involved in the Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA), and help catechists in religious education, when asked. We also do wake services, funerals (without mass), committals, and Word services in senior housing and eldercare institutions. And of course, we can preach.
If you are interested in exploring the diaconate, please take a look here:
Your pastor and deacons will happily answer your questions.
Videos for you to ponder...
Rather than try to tell you what they’re about, we’ll simply let the videos speak for themselves. Enjoy!
"Thou shalt Not Steal" funny short video:
How our children teach us to be Christians
WestJet Christmas Miracle: real-time giving
The Skit Guys use drama & comedy to teach God's word...
The Skit Guys are a pair of happy, talented Christians who have a flair for taking religious topics and presenting them in humorous yet serious ways that appeal to many people.
Take a look at this one, which is humorous:
And this one, which is anything but:
You can decide for your self if you need to see any of their skits. Be advised, they're kind of like my homilies. Some are quite good an dothers, well...