Phone: 860-673-9858
Fax: 860-675-4350
Father McHugh gratefully acknowledges the special benefactors who remember the efforts and charities of this parish through legacy gifts made in their lifetime. “The CHURCH of SAINT ANN LEGACY SOCIETY recognizes and honors those parishioners who have made a commitment to the future of Saint Ann's by including the parish in their estate plans. These legacy gifts perpetuate the work of our parish ministries and outreach. All proceeds from these bequests will be used exclusively for the benefit of this parish and will be added to our endowment fund to strengthen it's the financial future.”
By honoring all parishioners who make requests, with membership in the CHURCH of SAINT ANN LEGACY SOCIETY, the parish hopes to inspire others to contribute toward long term financial stability. With an estate gift to Saint Ann's, you help to sustain the Catholic Church for future generations and to insure your Catholic Legacy.
You are invited to join those fellow parishioners who have already designated bequests that will reach beyond their lifetimes to support the mission of the parish. If you wish to take advantage of this ideal way to pass on your faith and heritage, please contact Father McHugh and make him aware of your intentions. (Of course, requests for anonymity will be honored.)