Once again St. Ann’s would like to remember those in
Convalescent Homes for the holiday with:
Ladies/Gentlemen: Small blankets, combs, nail clippers, picture frames, sweat pants & tops, eyeglass holders, sweaters (prefer button front style), writing paper, envelopes & stamps, large faced watches & clocks, slippers, socks, bathrobes, PJs, hats, bird feeders that attach to windows, large-face playing cards, wall decorations, wicker baskets for odds and ends, and artificial flower/plant arrangements
Ladies: Costume jewelry, pins, necklaces earrings, hair picks, perfume, powder, cosmetic bags, emery boards, nail polish, nightgowns, knee-highs, bed jackets & easy to open pocketbooks
Gentlemen: Flannel shirts, after-shave lotion.
Please mark each package for size, ladies or men.
Please place in box in the Gathering Space by Sunday, December 20th
For more information, call Ida Maillet at 860-673-4861