Join us on Saturday, February 22nd from 6:30-9pm in Fr. Bennett Hall for a Wine Tasting Event with light appetizers. The event is hosted by our Knights of Columbus, Pius XIII Council 4376. The cost is $15 per person/$25 per couple. Proceeds will benefit Feeding Greater Hartford, a non-profit that annually collects over 80 tons of surplus food and distributes it to over a dozen local pantries, shelters, and transitional housing providers. Click here to rsvp and pay online.
Join us for a St. Patrick's Day Celebration on Saturday, March 15th from 7-10pm in Fr. Bennett Hall! Featuring Irish Dancers from the Mulcahy Academy of Irish Dance, music for dancing provided by DJ Royal Beats and dessert provided by our Gather Committee. BYOB and Potluck. Cost is $15 per person.
CLICK HERE to RSVP. Payment can be made online when rsvp'ing, or be made at the event.
(Rescheduled to 2/23 due to snow forecast) Women of St. Ann’s, you are invited to a Sisters in Christ Luncheon! Please join us on Sunday, February 23rd after the 11:00 Mass in Fr. Bennett Hall to celebrate the vibrant community of women here at St Ann! The cost is $35 to include a light lunch and a guest speaker from Holy Family, Liza Peters, presenting “Following in the Footsteps of Mary”, with the remainder to be used toward a donation to Two Hearts Pregnancy Care Center in Torrington. Click here to rsvp and pay online.
On Sunday, January 26, 2025, His Excellency, Archbishop Christopher J. Coyne, Archbishop of Hartford, will visit our parish and celebrate the 9:30 AM Mass. Following the Mass, there will be a light reception in Father Bennett Hall where you will have the opportunity to meet Archbishop Coyne. To ensure there are no time constraints, we will be canceling the 11:00 AM Mass for that Sunday only.
It is a great honor to welcome Archbishop Coyne to our parish. I encourage you to mark your calendars and make every effort to attend this special occasion.
At Mass this weekend, Aiden shared stories from his mission trip last spring to Peru with FOCUS. Between building houses, connecting with locals and sharing and deepening his faith, Aiden was so impacted by this experience he is planning on returning to Peru this spring break to help out again. He grew up attending St. Ann, graduated from NWC and is currently a student at the College of William and Mary.
He is quite a role model for all of us. We ask all parishioners to keep Aiden in your prayers as he prepares for his next mission and if you would like to support him financially, CLICK HERE to visit his FOCUS donation website.
The Archdiocese of Hartford will celebrate its Annual Wedding Anniversary Mass in conjunction with the observance of National Marriage Week (Feb 9-15, 2025) an international event seeking to strengthen marriages in communities and influence the current culture.
On Sat, Feb 15 at 4:00pm, The Most Reverend Christopher J. Coyne, Archbishop of Hartford, will be honoring couples celebrating milestone marriage anniversaries: first and five-year increments from 5 to 60 years, and every year beyond 60 years during 2024-2025.
Click HERE for more information and to register. Registration closes on Tue, Jan 28.
For questions, please contact Valerie St. Jean, Coordinator of Adult & Family Life Ministries at or 860-242-5573 ext. 2678.
The Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary, December 9, 2024 is not a Holy Day of Obligation this year and will be celebrated at the 9am Mass that morning.
St. Ann's Family Ministry invites all families to join them in making Advent wreaths on Saturday, November 16th at 3pm in Fr. Bennett Hall. Grandparents are welcome to bring grandchildren. All materials will be provided, as well as snacks and beverages. This is a wonderful opportunity to learn about the significance of the Advent wreath and share in fellowship. We hope to see you there as we kick off this meaningful season together! If you have any questions please e-mail Family Ministry at: CLICK HERE to Sign Up!
Stop by the Gathering Space to sign up to light the Advent wreath at one of our Advent Masses. All are welcome: individuals, couples or families! Look for the purple binder and sign up for one Mass. Thanks!
Join us on Tuesday, November 26th right here at Saint Ann, for a service of Gratitude and Thanksgiving with local faith leaders of many traditions. There will be a soup and bread supper at 6pm and the service will begin at 7pm. Please contact the parish office ( or 860-673-9858) if you will be bringing soup and/or bread supper. Please let us know your name, phone number and what you are brining. Thank you!
Please join us to support farmers and artisans from developing countries. The Bazaar will be on Saturday, November 23rd from 10am-5pm and on Sunday, November 24th from 9am-12:30pm. Items such as coffee, woven crafts, chocolates, Christmas decoration and more will be available. Why not get started on your Christmas list! Sponsored by St. Ann's Social Outreach Ministry.
Our Knights of Columbus will be taking pie orders in the Gathering Space after all Masses the weekends of November 9/10 and 16/17. The delicious pies (apple, pumpkin, very berry & peach praline) are only $12 each and can be picked up after all Masses the weekend of November 23/24...just in time for Thanksgiving! CLICK HERE TO ORDER & PAY ONLINE!
Join Father Patrick Aloysius Misgivings for this divine presentation of stories and one liners about growing up Catholic. From miracles and marriage counseling to bazaars and birth control, nothing escapes the good father's razor sharp Irish wit. This hilarious, interactive comedy includes a collection, a raffle and even an actual Bingo game. (18 & up) Review: “Your program was incredible. You had everyone spellbound, as you took them on your journey of laughter, dancing, singing and providing the audience with a spirituality check. You made everyone happy, you made everyone grateful that they had God on their side. You also helped us add funds to our treasury for our many causes that we support throughout the year.” Frank Connelly Jr. Grand Knight, Sacred Heart Council 5780, Madison, CT
If you have any gently used clothing or accessories to donate, you can do so on Tuesday-Thursday, October 1-3, from 9:30am - 4pm (Tuesday until 7:30pm). Then shop the sale on Friday, October 4th from 5-7pm ($5 admission fee) and Saturday, October 5th from 9am- 2pm (no fee and most items are $3). All proceeds go towards partial tuition scholarships for deserving urban students who attend local Catholic High Schools.
Please click here to see the letter sent to Fr. Fontana thanking him and the parishioners of Saint Ann for the donations made towards their Pilgrimage to the West Coast.
The Archdiocese of Hartford will celebrate the Investiture of the Pallium to be bestowed upon Archbishop Christopher J. Coyne by the Apostolic Nuncio to the United States, Christophe Cardinal Pierre, on Monday, October 14, 2024, at 11am at the Cathedral of St. Joseph, Hartford. This will be a historic event and all invited. If you wish to attend, please register online by clicking here. No computer? Call the parish office at (860) 673-9858.
If you are a volunteer at St. Ann (or any Catholic parish) you need to take the VIRTUS training. Many volunteers have already done this, but if you haven't you can either do it online at or you can attend our in-person training. This will be held on Wednesday, September 11th from 2-5pm in Fr. Bennett Hall (it is the full 3 hours). If you would like to register for this session, please contact Jennifer Soucy at: or 860-673-9858, ext. 234.